Life is a Journey

We are coming to the end of a very beautiful year. Alot has happened in 2008 that was a turning point for all of us: we saw Houston and Galveston get blown to pieces by Hurricane Ike and witnessed the first black President make it to office, seen the gas prices go from almost $3 a gallon down to $1.30, watched Britney get her life back together, mourned the loss of the talented actor Heath Ledger, and freaked as the stock market made a plummet to hell.

As I reflect on my own life, I see a scared girl grow into a brave and courageous woman, someone who has fallen and broken, risen up and mended. Someone who has overcome her obstacles and still has many yet to overcome. Whose heart has been broken and repaired, stronger than it was before. Who has learned the awesome love of God and learned to love herself better than she ever has before. Who is striving to reach her dreams and building a better life for herself as she makes better choices. I have seen the ugly and the beautiful side of life, and I have learned to appreciate both.

As this year comes to an end, I praise the moments where I struggled, where I was down to my last resources, crying out to God to make things better. I praise those moments because I am a better, stronger person for it. I am not the same girl I was at the beginning of this year, and I thank God for that. I was still doubtful, still hurting, still unsure of myself when the year started, and now I have more stability, more confidence, more assurance than I ever did before. God is molding me into the woman I was meant to be, and He still has so much work to do in me. I look forward to see who I will be at the end of 2009.

I have many hopes for the coming year. I hope to love more, forgive more, grow ever more confident in God, trust more, hope more, strive more, and be a gentler, more relaxed person. I hope I keep striving, keep making good choices, keep my faith in God, and keep growing as a woman. I hope to see my life morph into an extraordinary adventure as I leave behind the remnants of a hopeless past and rebuild my life in God's beauty. I hope to follow the guidance of my heart and listen to those quiet longings that keep pushing me forward into a better life, that urge me to reach new heights and fulfill my calling to shine. I hope to build a path that will lead to the mountains I was meant to climb, to keep going where I left off when I took a necessary detour from that road, and to reach higher than I ever thought I could.

The year 2009 will prove to be a magnificent year, one full of excitement, dreams, challenges, turning points, and passion. My only New Year's Resolution for 2009 is that I spend my time and energy trusting God and leave the doubt in 2008. I will not waste a single breath mourning a past that is already gone or fretting a future that has yet to arrive. My focus will remain on the Truth.

Wherever you are when the clock strikes 12 on New Year's Day, I hope you know that you were put here for a reason, and the fact that you're still breathing at that moment is living proof that you're loved and valued and you mean something to this world. So eat, drink, and be merry, and have the happiest New Year's EVER as you celebrate the fact that you are alive!!!


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