A Better Season
Life is going better for me. I'm happy. I'm hopeful. I'm excited for what's to come in 2017. I came a long way this year. I thought I wouldn't survive this year because the beginning started off so rough. God had to pluck things out of my life that didn't need to be there, and it was painful, but now I feel that He is planting new seeds that are growing, and I am happier for it. I have a good Christian community around me. I'm more involved at church. I'm moving in the right direction. I'm EXERCISING (what?!). I'm taking better care of my body. I'm reading His Word and fighting the spiritual battles with the right armor. I'm waiting on God for answered prayers instead of taking things into my own hands. I'm sitting still (for once), but I'm also working diligently towards my purpose. I'm allowing God to grow me. It's been a good last half of the year. I'm making big plans and planting seeds for next year. I think 201...