Lessons Learned in Austin
In lieu of my 3 year anniversary in Austin, I decided to compile a list of lessons I've learned in my stay here. I cannot count the full extent of what I've learned, but I did my best to summarize. I hope you can reap the reward of knowledge learned from my own difficulties: Wherever you go, there you are. If you have certain problems in one job or city, they will follow you to the next job or city. You cannot escape yourself. So deal with your problems where you are. God is going to take care of you when the going gets tough. He will not abandon you. Our suffering is meant for our good. I don't need a fancy job, house, or husband to be happy, content, or fulfilled. God is the only true stability and security. To seek that security anywhere else would be idolatry. My emotions are trying to tell me something. Pay attention to them! My feelings are valid, and it is okay to express them. (You don't understand how hard this was for me in the beginning.) Setting boundari...