
Showing posts from December, 2011

His Kingdom Come

Found this gem in the book I'm reading, A Praying Life, and it seemed to relate to me so well at this time in my life. "When our idols are exposed, we often give up in despair- overwhelmed by the other person's sin and our own. But by simply staying in the story, continuing to show up for life, even if it seems pointless, the kingdom comes." There are times when I feel like giving up on the story that God has given me. There are times when things aren't going as I'd hoped, and it would be so easy for me to return home when the going gets tough. But if I stay in His story, I allow His Kingdom to come. I allow His love to strip away the idols I hold onto and whatever I look to for love. I am in the middle of His story for redemption, and the middle always looks like the wilderness. I'll elaborate more later.

New Years Resolution

It's about that time again... to reflect on the past year and plan for the next. My Resolution for 2011 was more of a theme to " get back on the road again " to my goals and dreams and fully heal from past harmful relationships. I spent the beginning of this year in Recovery , going through the 12 steps a little less gracefully than I should have probably, but nevertheless, I have let go of a lot of baggage that was damaging any hope for a healthy relationship. Some of you may wonder why I went to Recovery in the first place. There was a myriad of reasons, but my sole purpose was that I didn't want to take any junk from my past relationships into my future marriage. I knew that marriage wasn't going to fix my problems, and if I wanted to have a good relationship with my future husband, then I first needed a good relationship with myself and, more importantly, with God. When I first went into Recovery, I realized a lot of my problems stemmed from false beliefs abo...

A Praying Life

First off... I can't believe it's already December. Where has all the time gone? So I've been reading a book for the WDP called A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller that I recommend everyone should read. It basically talks about prayer (of course), and it has made my prayers more real with God. I can have a conversation with Him at any point in the day, and I don't have to fake it with Him and pretend that I am okay with His plans. Life is hard, whether single or married, employed or jobless, at home or homesick, living your dreams or struggling to make ends meet. As long as we're on this side of heaven, life is always going to be hard at every stage of life, and I have come to the conclusion that the only way to make it through each day is by prayer. When I am missing my family and feeling alone, I pray. When I don't know what direction to go, I pray. When I am frustrated, angry, stressed, scared, I pray. When I am struggling with being single, I pray. When I wan...