Love Life

I went to a Bible study with a friend the other day where they give "prophetic" words, which is a symbol or vision from God that is meant to encourage others. Since I was new there, they gave a prophetic word over me, and one of the messages was simply two words: LOVE LIFE.

I feel that in the past few months, I've become really happy here in Austin. Despite the fact that I miss my family and long to go back home sometimes, my fate has really turned around here, and all the struggles I endured for two years have finally redeemed themselves. My shattered dreams are starting to resurface, and this time, I am going after them with gusto and with God's support.

I know why God allowed those dreams to be shattered in the first place, however. They were an idol in my heart. I had placed all my hope, trust, and identity into fulfilling those dreams, thinking that life would be simple and grand once I reached them. But as soon as I struck out to pursue them, I realized I didn't have the foundation to stand on my own two feet, and I fell hard. My dreams were crushed, and along with that, my hope.

The foundation I needed was God. I needed to find my hope, trust, and identity in Him before I could fully go after my dreams with His support. And now that I am pursuing the desires of my heart, I'm realizing how slow they come, how long they take, and how much hard work I have to put into it before I finally reach my destination.

And that's where the "love life" comes into play. I am being taught to love my life as it is, even though there is a mountain peak far above me that I am striving hard to reach. I am climbing, climbing upward, and I have a long way to go. And it may be awhile before I ever reach the summit. But once in awhile, I've got to look around and enjoy the view from where I'm at.

I can get too focused on my goals so much that I get anxious to finish them and put all my energy into them and drain all the fun out of it, even in tasks that I love. After awhile, they become jobs or chores and are not-so-fun anymore. So I've decided to try this whole "love life" thing, even though I haven't reached my dreams yet. I have decided to look around for a bit and enjoy the view from where I'm at, even if I'm only 20 feet from the bottom.

So what if I never reach the summit? So what if my goal never gets reached, and my success doesn't come as I desired? Who cares if none of my dreams come true? As long as I enjoy my life, enjoy the journey as they say, then I will have lived a good life, and in a way succeeded.

So then.... LOVE LIFE.


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