
Sometimes in the stillness of life is when God is doing the most work. I make the mistake of thinking that if I'm not moving and if things aren't coming faster, then I'm not making progress. But this is just not so. Sometimes after the mountains and valleys in our lives, we need to find a plateau, and sometimes God has a great purpose with those plateaus.

Since I've moved to Austin, I've learned to slow down substantially. Before, I was constantly striving to achieve, trying to accomplish the next step, move forward fast, fast, fast. But now in my tired old ways, I've become weary and exhausted from running and going, and sometimes I just want to sit and wait out life for awhile. Sometimes I just need a rest.

And I got to thinking that maybe God has just as much purpose during our rest points as He does when He sets us a-moving. Maybe in this time, I am building relationships with people who need me, and I them. Maybe He is waiting for the perfect opportunity to prepare me for His next orchestration. Maybe He just needs me to sit for awhile so He can work softly in the background.

Sometimes in these slow, quiet times is when I can stop and listen for His voice. It's in these times when I can find peace from the dronings of the world and find clarity in my own thoughts. When I'm not moving and finally stand still, I can look all around me and get some direction to where I want to go next. And maybe I don't want to go anywhere next; maybe I want to sit by and be grateful for what God has for me right here, right now. Learn to enjoy the moment. Learn to enjoy the little things.

God has a purpose for everything, even when we don't see His workings in our life. Even when it seems that nothing is happening. Sometimes God works very quietly, very slowly, and at just the right time, everything will change and move again.

Yes... I've learned to enjoy the slow times in my life.


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