
So I get really tired of whining on this thing, and I get tired of whining altogether. I have learned alot about myself out here in Austin, and I have really had to come face-to-face with alot of my behavior traits that keep me from enjoying the good things in life. I'm really grateful that I can face these things so I can work on them and be rid of them. Yes, I have struggled out here, but through pain, God brings redemption. And I think God is polishing me up and scrubbing away those negative qualities so I can become a better, stronger person and continue on my way to going after my dreams. Even though things haven't panned out exactly as I hoped here in Austin, they're paving a better way for a better life, and I can't complain about that. I read a verse yesterday in Matthew that said something like, "Why worry if it cannot add any days to your life?" and it really hit me bc I worry about alot of stuff all the time. Worrying about being single isn't going to bring me a boyfriend any quicker, and worrying about my finances isn't going to bring me riches any faster, so I might as well relax and enjoy where I am and more than likely, those things will come to me alot faster bc I'll be ready for them. So that verse really changed my life and changed my perspective on this place. Reading the Bible can do that.

So moving on... I am really excited for the new year, and yes, I know it is barely Thanksgiving, but I am already thinking about my New Years Resolution. I get really excited about these things. I have already decided that for the entire year of 2010, I am going to prepare for grad school. I have put alot of thought into it, and I have been in the real world for 2 years now, and I'm pretty sure I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. And that, of course, is writing. I would like to also get a job in publishing or editing, so I am going to apply to a million grad schools in Creative Writing. I am so very determined for this, and I will make a timeline and everything, so I might post this up here just for my own sake, and in case you're really that bored and want to know about it. I'm really uber excited about this whole grad school thing, so I know it's really what I need to do.



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