My "Retreat" to Houston

So I stumbled upon a book at a coffeeshop in Tomball the other day. I had actually gone in there to do some writing, but started perusing the bookshelves and found a memoir called "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not," which is a true account of a woman who struggled through love and many horrible relationships before finding God and a better man. Being a sucker for memoirs and also being able to relate first-hand with the book, I sat there and read for about an hour, taking it all in and feeling like I had just made a new best friend. But what it really did for me was make me realize that I was not alone and that God does have a purpose for all the craziness and ambiguity going on in my life right now. And, most of all, it gave me hope that something better will come along... if I just trust Him and wait.

I've actually done alot of soul-searching and had several revelations during my little "retreat" back to Houston. I've realized that there are a few things that need to change in my life, most of them residing within myself, rather than my outside circumstances. I've realized after moving away from what I thought were my "problems," I actually took my problems with me to my new city. Visiting home made me realize that I didn't have to leave to fix these problems. I need only to look inside myself, so that is what I'm setting out to do.


Lisa Wiliams said…
Yay, I'm so glad you were able to figure that out! That revelation exactly what I've been trying to get across to you for so long, I just knew that you had to see it on your own to appreciate it. Does that mean you're going to move back to Houston now? Haha, j/k! :)

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