My Plan A

I hope everyone's New Years went well. Mine was nice. I spent it with my family, something I haven't done since... geez, I don't know when. I usually party it up with my friends, but I've seen enough of those days. I wanted to try something different this year and see how it affects the rest of my year. So far, my resolutions have been held. I've been managing my time better and going after my goals. Sometimes I get a little lazy, but I think I deserve it after working so hard. I'm hoping to get a higher-paying job or a raise this year, and I've been tithing, so I think God will be more apt to bless me this year.

The weather is beautifully warm today, and I'm spending time with the girls tonight, so it should be a marvelous day, especially since it's the first Saturday I've had off from work in a long time. Next week is going to be HELL at work because of floorset. I'm spending today to write part of my book, and it takes alot of patience and self-control to keep myself in front of the screen to write it. Which is why I need a laptop, so I can work outside. Don't worry, I should be getting a laptop this month for my birthday. Can't wait!!! I've saved up my pennies, and with a little help from the folks, I can afford it.

I've been looking at pictures of travel photos and wishing I were trotting the globe right now. With the job I have, I get to wondering what I'm doing with my life... constantly. It really wears on my mood. I have a few plans though, so I'm just anticipating to see which ones pan out. My plans are as follows:

Plan A: get the scholarship to study abroad.
Plan B: go back to school for Interior Design.
Plan C: get a travel visa abroad.
Plan D: find a job elsewhere and move out on my own.
Plan E: if all else fails, stay where I am.

So those are the plans as of now. We'll see by the end of this year which one will pan out. It'll take some time, but I'm willing to wait. Well that's all folks. Catch ya on the other side.


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